Logan Tyler Richardson was born October 29th, 1998 in Atlanta, Georgia. He is the youngest of three and is a massive sports fan. He cheers on the Georgia Bulldogs, Atlanta Falcons, Atlanta Braves, and the Atlanta Hawks as much as he can. He's a big fan of artists like Eric Church, Chris Stapelton, Colter Wall and many more. You can hear a lot of his musical taste if you tune in while he's hosting SR Radio. Logan's favorite TV show of all time is "Lost". His favorite meal is Spaghetti and his favorite dessert is "anything oreos/cookies and cream". To Logan the most important part of life is Family. "Family, blood or not is worth more than anything and I wouldn't trade mine for all the money in the world".
Favorite Quote:
"The difference between a successful person and other is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will." - Vince Lombardi